Building Amenities
Sun Life Centre boasts an extensive array of amenities including a beautiful, 65-foot-high, 10,000-square-foot glass atrium complete with mezzanine and café seating, a fully equipped conference center, restaurants, convenient retail shops and services as well as underground parking.
Shower Facilities
Located on the P1 level of the 50 O’Connor tower, shower facilities are available to all tenants of the building. To obtain access, request that your Facility Manager or prime contact person from your office, contact Property Management with your name and after hours access card number (printed on the bottom of your card). Access to the shower facilities will be activated on your after hours access card only upon request.
The shower facilities mentioned above house lockers that are available for daily use. Property Management reserves the right to remove any locks remaining after 11:00 pm. Items removed will be inventoried accordingly. Items will be kept for 30 days and may be claimed at the 99 Bank Security office located on the B2 level.
Car Wash
Call in advance to schedule an appointment to have your car washed right in the building! The car wash is located on the P3 level. 613-235-8585
Bulk mail or parcels should be mailed in mail boxes located outside the buildings or at Canada Post outlets. The carrier will deliver incoming mail to the individual tenant offices.
99 Bank – A mail slot is located on the ground floor in the elevator lobby for properly stamped standard envelopes.