50 O’Connor Security Console: 613-782-3879
99 Bank Security Console: 613-782-3878
Security Checklist – The following is a list of general office security suggestions, which are offered to you as an aid in establishing your internal security procedures:
- Restrict after hours access to those who actually need it.
- Keep complete, up-to-date records of those employees who are granted access cards or keys.
- Establish uniform procedures for collecting keys / access cards prior to the termination of employees.
- Establish a rule that keys / access cards must never be left unguarded on desks or cabinets.
- Require that filing cabinet keys be removed from locks and placed in a secure location after opening cabinets.
- Prevent unauthorized personnel from reporting a lost key / access card and receiving a replacement.
- Ensure that a responsible person is in charge of issuing all keys / access cards.
- Store keys systematically in a secured wall cabinet of either your own design or one that conforms to a commercial control system.
- Insist on identification from repairmen who come to work in your office.
- Clear all desks of important papers.
- When working alone in the office at night, ensure the premises are secure to prevent anyone else from entering.
- Keep the police, fire department, and building security telephone numbers posted.
- Double check to see that all doors are securely locked before leaving.
- Secure all personal belongings (by way of example, we often make it too easy for burgulars to access our wallets by leaving them unguarded on our desk).
- If an employee’s desk is in an open area, when leaving their work area, personal belongings should be locked away.
- If your reception area must be left unmanned, it is important to secure all valuable property.
If you see suspicious or offensive persons in the building, please call the Security Console of your building. If possible, make note of appearance, clothing, etc. in order to assist building Security in locating them. Please be aware of strangers in your tenant areas and halls. Quite often a question such as “May I help you locate someone?” will be enough to deter a potential thief. Suspicious encounters of this type should be reported to the Security Console of your building.
Any lost articles that are turned in to the building will be available for claim for a period of 30 days at the Security Office on B2 level, 99 Bank Street.
For the safety and security of the occupants of the Sun Life Centre, the media is not permitted to film or interview people on the exterior perimeter of the property or in the common areas including the conference centre & atrium.
Tenants are responsible for advising their guests & invitees of this building guideline and ensuring it is respected.
Solicitation is not permitted. If someone is soliciting in your suite, please notify the Security Console of your building and we will send appropriate personnel to escort them off of the premises.
Mobility Impaired Individuals – The main entrances to the Sun Life Centre (at 50 O’Connor Street and 99 Bank Street) have access for mobility impaired individuals. Facility Managers should ensure that Property Management is made aware of any employee who is mobility impaired. This will allow us to maintain accurate records for emergency evacuation purposes. It is important that any mobility impaired personnel working after hours notify security of their presence should an emergency situation arise.
Tenants – Employees requiring access to their office between the hours of 6:00 pm to 7:00 am will require an after hours access card. This must be requested by the employer’s Facility Manager or key contact person.
When contractors are required to work during the evening or weekend, the Tenant’s Facility Manager or key contact person must obtain approval from Property Management. The tenant representative will fill out a form for Work Access Authorization. Upon completion, this form should be emailed or faxed to ClikFIX Tenant Services. ClikFIX will forward the form to Operations for approval. Once work is authorized, Security will program an after hours elevator access card for the contractor. The contractor can pick up this card along with a contractor badge, upon their arrival, in the B2 (99 Bank) Security Office. Proper photo identification must be left with Security until the contractor returns the badge and access card.
If you have lost your card, report it immediately to your Facility Manager or to any Security Console. A fee for a replacement card may apply. Cards that are broken or malfunctioning should be returned to your Facility Manager or any Security Console. A new request by e-mail will be required by the Facility Manager and the old card returned to Property Management.
If you require after hours access and have forgotten your card, Security will attempt to contact the employees from your company whose names appear on the after hours contact list. Only upon authorization from an individual on the contact list will you be granted access to your floor by the Security Officer.
The freight elevator is available after hours for contractor use. Please refer to the Elevators in the Property Services section of this website.
Each tenant is responsible for providing access to their suite for their contractor, either by providing keys, entry codes, access cards or a staff member to escort the contractor. In the event that the services of a security guard are required by a tenant, contact the Property Management Office to confirm rates and to make arrangements.