Service Requests


Should you have questions in regards to payments or invoices, please contact Kerri O'Rourke  at  or 613-782-3872.

Building Signage

All suite signs and directory signage are standardized and must be ordered through Property Management. No additional signs are permitted in the hallways and common areas. For any signage requirements, please contact Reception at or 613-236-6452.


Cleaning services in suites are provided Monday to Friday, statutory holidays excluded, typically between the hours of 5:00 pm – 11:00 pm.

Please note we have established a new standard that will decrease waiting time for replacement bulbs from 24 hours to within 4 hours. Sensitive areas such as boardrooms and reception areas will be treated as a priority and should be noted as such on your requests.

Please report any spills or carpet stains immediately by contacting ClikFIX.

Freight elevator dimensions / restrictions

99 Bank50 O’Connor
Height – 12′ (3.65 m)Height – 12′ (3.65 m)
Width – 5’3″ (1.6 m)Width – 5’4″ (1.62 m)
Length – 8′ (2.44 m)Length – 8′ (2.44 m)
Door – 4’3″ (1.3 m)Door – 3’8″ (1.12 m)
Weight – 4,500 lbs. (2,041 kg)Weight – 4,000 lbs. (1,814 kg)


If the temperature in your office needs adjustment, please contact ClikFIX.  Your call will be referred immediately to engineering personnel.

The standard hours of operation for the heating and air conditioning systems are 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Special arrangements should be made for any HVAC needed outside of those hours.

Maintenance Requests

Sun Life Centre is committed to providing a level of service that consistently exceeds tenant expectations. For all of your maintenance and building service requests, please contact ClikFIX.


The loading docks are accessible via the parking garage ramp on Queen Street.

The loading dock for 99 Bank is located on level B2.

The loading dock for 50 O’Connor is located on level P2.

Loading Dock Procedures

  • At all times, all companies and their employees entering the loading dock must report to the security office at the loading dock, as well as sign in.
  • The loading docks have truck restrictions that must be enforced.  The maximum height is 12’ 4” (3.75 m) with the length of the straight truck being 28′ (8.53 m).
  • Delivery can take place Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. with a maximum of 30-minutes at the dock.
  • The freight elevator is shared.
  • Security personnel are not authorized to sign for shipments for tenants.
  • Vendors delivering large items should be instructed to remove all crating from the premises. Pallets are not to be left on the loading dock.
  • Specialized carts are available from Security to transport small material in the passenger elevators; no other carts will be permitted in the passenger elevators at any time.

Reserving the Freight Elevator After Hours

  • For deliveries taking place after hours Monday to Friday and on weekends, all companies must sign in at the B2 Security office (99 Bank).
  • Each company employee will be required to leave photo I.D. in exchange for a Sun Life Centre Visitor Pass. When the visitor’s pass is returned upon departure, the photo I.D. will be given back.
  • Property Management must be notified a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Requests to book the freight elevator are to be made by the Facilities Manager. When the freight elevator is booked, a memo will be created for Security to allow access accordingly to the loading dock. Attached to the memo will be an after hours elevator access card programmed to allow access to the floors required.
  • Sharing the elevator with another tenant in the building may be required.